Writing: Get In The Holiday Spirit
With the holiday season in full swing, many writers and bloggers may want to hide from their computers until the New Year. The reality is who wants to write when everyone else is celebrating? Let me share a secret with you. Contrary to popular belief, the holidays are a great time to write (Of course, it helps if writing is a habit)! Writing during the holidays has benefits. Here are five of them with writing tips!
10 Points to Create Compelling Content
With the expanded use of content marketing, every business needs to generate a steady stream of strong content. While it’s easy to say that you should write strong compelling content, the problem is how do you actually develop great content on a consistent basis that stands out in the sea of information available on social media, tablets, smartphones, computers and other devices, new and old. Here are ten steps to help you produce strong content that reaches out and engages readers. (You may want to read Why Your Third Grade Teacher Was Wrong About Writing for some more tips.)
How to Get Your Blogging Mojo
At one point or another, many bloggers wonder how to get their blogging mojo, whether they’re new to blogging or have been turning out blog posts for years. To help you get your blogging groove, here’s some help. Before you can figure out how to get your blogging mojo, it’s critical to understand what your what’s keeping you back in the first place. Here are the three main issues. Here are twelve tips to help you find your blogging mojo. Realize that blogging is journey and requires time until all of the elements come together for you.
Writing Is a Habit
I’m often asked how I can crank out a column or more every day. The answer is simple: writing is a habit.
Like you, I wasn’t born with a pencil in one hand and a computer in the other. While I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was grade school, I never studied writing in university. But when one of my college friends got cancer, it made me think about my life and what I wanted to accomplish. I kept coming back to writing. Here are five tips to help you develop a writing habit.
Help! Who Will Write Our Company Blog?
Where will we find people to write our company blog? This is a common question companies face. While ideally someone from your organization should write your company blog, the reality is that it can be difficult to find an employee who loves your brand, cares about your customers, and enjoys writing. Before you search for bloggers for your organization’s blog, here are three factors that you should take into consideration.
Is Your Content Marketing a Great Read?
All <strong>strong content</strong>, regardless of format, contains the same elements of great writing at its core. Writing, at its best, understands its audience and tells timeless stories from which readers learn and expand their horizons. The same is true of content marketing; it’s not rehashed marketing-speak but rather information that informs and entertains. To help you take your content marketing to the next level, here are writing tips from fifteen great authors.
How to Ensure Writing Inspiration Strikes
I’m often asked “How do you crank out post after post on a regular basis?” While I’d love to answer that it’s my magic super power, the reality is that I’ve trained myself to produce original content that my audience wants to read. This doesn’t mean that I never get a case of Blank-Post-Syndrome but, on the rare occasion when I do, I‘ve trained myself to fuel my writing to get back on track quickly without a detour to “I’ll-never-write-again-ville.” Here are 7 ways to keep yourself inspired by fueling your writing.