Social Media Blogging: 4 Reasons Your CMO Needs
Social media blogging delivers 4 elements to make your CMO happy. Put social media blogging at the heart of your marketing to deliver results.
Small Business Web Hosting (Solopreneurs Included)
Trying to find the best small business web hosting? This article outlines the steps for SMBs and solopreneurs.
Web Hosting Basics for SMBs (Chart)
Need to know the web hosting basics for your SMB? Our webmaster guides you through the 4 main options for web hosting. Includes an table to help you.
Top 10 Essential WordPress Plugins
Here are the top 10 Essential WordPress Plugins. Selected by Actionable Marketing Guide’s webmaster, he brings a programmer’s point of view to help you.
33 Ways to Get Help For Your Blog (Without Breaking the Bank)
When it comes to blogs as social media fodder and content marketing gold, bloggers get it. Convincing them of the importance of blogging isn’t the issue. Their biggest challenge is getting help in a variety of forms to continually publish fresh, engaging blog content.
Don’t worry — We’ve got you covered with blogging 411 info to help you efficiently leverage resources in seven of the areas where many bloggers typically need support. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
The One Thing Top Gun’s Maverick Knows About Blogging That You Don’t
Most bloggers believe that if they produce remarkable content on a regular basis their blog will achieve their goals. The reality is that this isn’t the full picture. While great posts that grab your readers’ attention is a critical element, by itself, it’s not enough to propel your blog to be as successful as it can be. In fact, take a tip from Top Gun’s Maverick, it’s about blog speed. Here are 10 tips every blogger needs to improve your blog’s customer experience and search rankings with regard to speed. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Is Your Blog At Risk? (12 Geek Tips To Safeguard The Non-Geek)
To help shelter your blog from harm, here are twelve actionable blog tips you don’t need to be a techie to understand and use. Protect your blog, your brand and your identity from bots, spammers, hackers and others with malicious intentions from causing havoc for your blog and business. (Of course, you may have other reasons your blog is challenged and not achieving your objectives). Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
20 Most Useful Blog Plugins For Non-Geeks
Blog plugins are short pieces of programming code that add a specific set of features to your blog. While there’s a wide variety of blog plug-ins available, here are twenty of the most useful plug-ins explained in plain English for non-geeks.