How to Be a Twitter Chat Champion: The Ultimate Guide
Want to become a Twitter Chat Champion? Then use this Twitter Chat Guide with related social media marketing tactics and examples.
Can Social Media Build Real Life Relationships That Will Make You Happy?
Does social media builds real life relationships? Use this social media case study and tips to take your social media connections offline.
SXSW: 12 Things To Do If You’re Not In Austin (Some Social Media Included!)
If you’re thinking SXSW is where all the cool social media kids are except me, I don’t want to burst your bubble but the truth is you’re not alone. Of course, many of those who aren’t at SXSW probably won’t tell you because they don’t want to publicize the fact they’re not part of the in-group. Instead of sitting in front of your Twitter client watching the tweets go by feeling left out, take advantage of this opportunity to do something special for yourself.
Social Media’s Public Enemy Number One
Social media has a public enemy number one. Unlike the old time movies where the good guys wore white and the bad guys wore black, on social media platforms it’s not always clear. Further, there’s no ominous music to give you a clue that the bad guy just entered the ecosystem. Has your social media has been affected by public enemy number one? If you’re not sure, here are three telltale signs to check.
Don’t Tweet This
Twitter is the quintessential social media vehicle. It allows one-to-many, one-to-one and many-to-many communications. That said, as a social media platform, Twitter is difficult. You can’t just jump in and figure it out by the seat of your pants. It requires learning the secret language, building your tribe, and being a committed participant. Whether you’re new to Twitter or have been active for a while, here are twelve tips to help you improve your interactions.
What I Learned Running a Contest
As a marketer, it’s important to assess every marketing campaign to see how well it did against your goals. To help my readers, here are 5 take-aways that I learned running the We ♥ Bloggers Contest in February.
Klout: What’s Your Influence Report Card?
Like PeerIndex and Twitlyzer, Klout is one of the new online metrics sites that tries to provide an influence report card. With Klout as with any single metric, the challenge is that determining true influence requires measuring a variety of online and offline factors. To understand what it takes, 12 types of people with offline clout are examined and 12 ways to increase your offline clout are presented.
21st Century Leadership: What I Learned On the Playground
When we think about twenty-first century business leadership, remember that we learned how to interact within an organization back in elementary school where there was an established hierarchy consisting of principal, teachers and students. As we get older and take on business roles, we often fall back on behaviors we learned as children. Leadership is one area where these prototypes are prominent and come to the fore. Here’s 13 personality types you met on the playground.