Twitter strategy
Tweet My Conference
As with any form of social media, having Twitter at your business event is about your audience, both direct and indirect. Here are three reasons that encouraging tweets enhances the show experience and here are seven ways to invite Twitter to your event.
To Tweet or Not To Tweet
Before you jump on the Twitter bandwagon, realize that three tweets a day won’t cut it as a Twitter marketing strategy. A strong Twitter strategy requires on-going engagement and related human and financial resources to support your efforts and drive profitable results. Here are 10 Twitter tips that every company should consider.
10 Things Your Boss Doesn’t Want to Know About Social Media Marketing
Is social media marketing on your 2011 action plan? Is your boss on board and understand what’s entailed? Before you answer this question, check these ten points that may uncover some surprises for your social media marketing strategies.
Do You Need a Twitter Strategy If Only 6% of Adults Use It?
According to the Pew Research Center’s findings, only 6% of US adults use Twitter. Given this small level of penetration, what does this mean for marketers? Here are 5 Twitter tips to consider.