Small Business: How to Find Time for Social Media
To reap social media results, businesses regardless of size must spend time engaging on social media platforms, invest budget and wait for sales or other benefits. For most small businesses, these three resources are scarce. As a result, social media often winds up at the bottom of the owner’s to-do list overlooked in favor of handling the latest, easy-to-measure emergency.
According to Social Media Examiner’s 2013 Report, most small businesses spend under ten hours a week on social media. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
31 Actionable Social Media Marketing Tips Based On Research
No longer marketing’s shiny new object, social media has become an indispensable tool to achieve key business goals since prospects and customers spend at least one out of five online minutes using these platforms. This makes social media too big to ignore. Here are nine social media business benefits with thirty-one actionable marketing tips to get your social media marketing on track to succeed. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Facebook: Fans Are Brand Currency
Facebook with its 1.056 billion monthly active users is the largest social network on the planet.
What does this mean for your brand? Recent research from Syncapse shows that nurturing your Facebook fans contributes value to your brand in the form of improved sales, future brand loyalty and brand affiliation.