The Ultimate Branding Checklist: How To Create Your Branding Strategy
Use this ultimate branding checklist to define your brand to ensure it stands out and grows in value over time. Includes questions to help you.
Storytelling and Content Marketing: What Lin Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton Can Teach You That Will Keep Your Marketing Going And Increase Sales
Want to improve your results? Combine Storytelling and Content Marketing and use these 3 lessons that Hamilton can teach you.
The Storytelling Edge – Book Interview
Content strategists Joe Lazauskas and Shane Snow offer an insider’s guide to transforming your business—and all the relationships that matter to it—through the art and science of telling great stories.
Images: How to Tell Your Brand Story [Examples]
Stories trump other forms of information making them important for your brand. Images take stories beyond plain text and words; they provide context for the listener and make memorable associations. As a result, one image can be more powerful than the associated words.
As a marketer, use the power of images to tell your brand’s story concisely to today’s content snacking consumer. Even more valuable to your brand are stories that get people talking. Here are five reasons images tell good brand stories and five tips to help you use images to tell you brand’s story. Includes 3 examples with graphics. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog.
Does Your Brand Use These 3 Story Types
Why is storytelling important? Because we’ve been telling stories around the campfire for centuries. Stories amuse and impart knowledge. Stories do something that disparate facts alone can’t do. By getting people involved and providing context, stories help people remember information. Further, they instill readers with feelings for the protagonist, which products alone can’t do. As a result, stories are important for brands because they form associations, provide emotional attachment and make them memorable.
What Ashton Kutcher Can Teach Marketers
Ashton Kutcher wants to be entertained or he’s gone. As marketers, this means you need to tell a story regardless of the medium, digital or live, because we’ve been trained to understand them since we were children. Here are five tips from Digitas’ The New Front 2011 to illustrate how celebrities enhance your marketing stories.
YouTube: Digital Video Storyteller
As humans, storytelling is ingrained in us. We tell stories as a way to connect with each other. For marketers, stories are an integral part of our brands and products because associating emotion with your product or brand brings it to life for customers. In the social media world, stories are transformed into digital videos that are the source of engagement and sharing. Here are five factors that are important to online videos.
Branding: Not Just a Logo
With limited resources, consistent messages are key. Brands create short hand messages that customers recognize. Here are ten tips to help you create or enliven a brand.