Easy Guide To Solopreneur Pricing: How To Set Rates That Will Make You Happy
Wonder how to price your services as a solopreneur, consultant or freelancer? Use this easy guide to solopreneur pricing. It outlines (with examples) 5 types of pricing to help you.
Small Business Blogging: The Key To Leveling The Playing Field
By effectively using a blog as the centerpiece of their social media, content marketing and search optimization, small businesses and solopreneurs can effectively compete against the big boys.
While small businesses can be more nimble and react more quickly to a dynamic environment, they still need overall planning to ensure they keep their business on track for success. Otherwise, if you’re only responding to the latest fire, you’re not working towards your long-term business objectives.
To help organize your small business and maximize your limited resources, you need a blog and a marketing plan. Here are thirteen tactics. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Blogging ROI: 15 Ways Blogs Make Money
Blogging well takes time, effort and skill to keep up with the latest trends and news, craft strong blog posts, promote your blog articles and engage in the conversation related to your posts. Therefore many bloggers think “What’s in it for me?” (aka WIIFM.) Whether you’re blogging for yourself, you’re a solopreneur or you’re writing for a business (B2B, B2C or NFP (Not-For-Profit)), you want to see measurable results from your efforts.
Blogging ROI stands for Return-On-Investment from blogging. Since it can be difficult to measure your blog’s results as well as the value of your investment, here’s help. Includes 15 ways to generate revenue. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
5 Ways to Drive Business With Content Marketing [Examples]
Many businesses are reticent to give their content away for free. Their dilemma is that strong, useful information doesn’t just happen. Despite relatively low-cost social media and internal media distribution, the combination of deep knowledge and great content development require both human and financial resources.