Social Sharing
How To Maximize Social Sharing
Looking to improve your content reach? Here are 7 tips to maximize social sharing with data, charts & example to increase your audience.
Expand Your Social Media Base – 12 Marketing Tips
Many marketers put a lot of resources and effort into building a social media following. Once they start seeing results, they declare victory. The problem is that social media, like more established platforms, requires continual marketing to maintain your participant base. (Mike Stelzner of makes this point about bloggers.) Here are twelve marketing tips to grow your social media base. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
11 Tactics to Optimize Your Blog
Optimizing your blog content is a challenge every blogger faces. While optimization is a word most frequently associated with search, when it comes to blog content, it extends to getting your content found on social media and other content platforms as well. Here are ten tactics to optimize your blog content. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
5 Ways You Are Preventing Your Audience From Growing
While most marketers want to build an audience for their content marketing, without realizing it, they often hold their content captive unable to reach more people. (Note: This comes before getting your content discoveredand distributing your content marketing.) Here are 5 ways content marketing is kept captive and actionable marketing recommendations to set it free.
How To Make Your Content Marketing Spread Like Wildfire
You can write the best content marketing in the world but, without help distributing it to the largest audience possible, chances are it’ll be buried amidst newer, sexier content that’s churned out every second. Give each piece of content a head start with these 3 tips and then you can get your content marketing to spread like wildfire with these 20 tips. (Here’s how to get your content discovered.) Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog.
Social Sharing by the Numbers [Charts]
Not all social shares are created equal. Social sharing allows readers to distribute interesting content to family, friends, colleagues and social contacts effortlessly. Further, social sharing reminds readers to bookmark information they want to access for future reference (aka social bookmarking). By leveraging readers’ social graphs, content marketers and bloggers expand their reach without cost by providing a variety of social sharing buttons on digital content. This is particularly important for advertising supported sites. Data and 5 social sharing tips included.
How to Turn Your Professional Blog into a Lead Generating Machine
Many professionals, such as lawyers, accountants, marketers and others with small businesses, use blogs as the essence of their Internet presence. In theory, this makes sense since at its core a blog is a content management system (CMS) so you have the freedom to easily create and edit content. Yet, while the concept of a blog is appealing as a thought leadership platform, the reality is that most professionals lack the time, motivation and ability to blog enough to keep it alive. Here are 12 tips to turn your blog into a lead generating machine.