social media persona
13 Content Curation #FAILS
Have content curation fails? To meet your need more content, you use other people’s content but it doesn’t make your content marketing strategy succeed?
Do Your Social Media Relationships Get Consummated?
Are your social media relationships getting consummated? Here are 10 steps to build your social media relationships into long term profitable customers.
Social Media Buyer Persona – 10 Questions to Ask
Just as you’d start creating a marketing persona based on your key audience’s demographics, psychographics and past purchase behavior, the same attributes apply to social media. Here’s a list of ten questions to help you develop the social media buyer persona for your business.
Everything You Need to Know About Content Marketing (Charts)
Content marketing is white hot! As a core element of inbound marketing, content marketing fuels social media, supports search optimization, and drives lead generation and sales. Here is the research, definitions, plan and resources to get your strategy on track.
Content Marketing: 7 Steps to a Successful Repurposing Strategy
When it comes to content marketing, one size content doesn’t fit all. You must rethink the content in different ways and adapt it for specific platforms so that it’s contextually relevant and provides more information. Planing ahead will save resources in terms of time, money and stress. Here are the seven steps to successfully repurpose your content marketing without breaking the bank.
7 Secrets to Writing Top-Notch Blog Posts About Boring Topics
Boredom is in the eyes of the beholder. Your blogging doesn’t arouse your reader’s interest. While you want to believe your tedious topic is the reason for their yawns, the fact is that they’re just not that into your dull content.
But fear not, boring content isn’t a permanent condition!
Here are seven secrets to help you write content about your boring topic and turn your blog posts into a reader magnet.
Create Your Niche for Business Success [Graphic]
From a marketing perspective, a niche is a well-defined segment of a larger market. Because it’s difficult to be all things to all people, marketers craft their niches to suit their and business needs and resources.
Here are seven steps to help you craft your niche to ensure business success. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Small Business: How to Use Time Efficiently On Social Media
For most small businesses social media is a time suck. The challenge for many small businesses is that time is the most significant resource. While being nimble is the watchword for many small businesses, with regard to social media, you need a plan to keep your interactions on track and contributing to sales and profits.
To help your small business maximize its social media efforts including time utilization, here’s an actionable social media plan for your small business in ten easy steps. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog