Scott Monty
Twitter: 7 Ways to Deepen Your Engagement
Looking to leverage your Twitter engagement? Then apply the seven principals of Dr. Stephen R. Covey‘s bestselling The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People to your use of Twitter. In his book, Covey outlined seven practical habits to help readers become more successful. Apply these seven guidelines to improve your Twitter usage to help achieve your business and/or personal goals. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Social Media Doesn’t Sell [Research]
While social media accounts for roughly one out of every five minutes spent online, it doesn’t translate to sales according to a new report from Monetate. As a marketer, what do these findings mean for your business and 2013 marketing plans with regard to social media strategy and budget? Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Social Media: 10 PR Tactics
No one cares about your latest press release especially on social media. Using social media for PR is about building a community around your business and creating content your audience wants. Here are ten social media tactics for PR that focus on how you can help others on social media while building relationships for your clients. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
How to Have a Winning Social Media Personality
At the core of social media, being open and honest enables us to build relationships with prospects and customers over time. At a point when the trust is gone for prospects and customers, and marketers are guilty until proven innocent, it’s critical to overcome consumer skepticism. Here are five ways that being honest and open helps you to build a winning social media personality.
Scott Monty Takes Dale Carnegie Approach to Social Media
Scott Monty, Ford’s Chief Social Media Officer, made social media marketing sound easy at last night’s Social Media Club New York City talk. Except that he was talking about changing how unsexy, made-in-America cars and trucks are marketed. Scott Monty outlined his 5 social media marketing steps.
Do You Need a Social Media Manager?
For many of the plugged-in generation, the idea of spending their working hours hanging out on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites sounds like a dream job. From a corporate perspective, the question of when you should bring the social media function in-house is an important issue.