Rebecca Lieb
The Storytelling Edge – Book Interview
Content strategists Joe Lazauskas and Shane Snow offer an insider’s guide to transforming your business—and all the relationships that matter to it—through the art and science of telling great stories.
Enhanced Existing Content Marketing: How To Keep Your Content Healthy
Known as reused content, repurposed content and/or recycled content, this Enhanced Existing Content Marketing Primer defines the term and offers a 5 step process to maximize content marketing ROI.
4 Pillars of Digital Marketing
An in-depth analysis of the 4 pillars of digital marketing. Includes definitions, data, charts and tips to help you improve your company’s marketing plans.
2017 Content Marketing Resolutions
What your 2017 content marketing resolutions? Here are 5 tactics to help you get your 2017 marketing on track to succeed. Contains detailed explanations.
3 Ways Business Blogging Yields Measurable Results
Is your blog effective at helping your firm’s bottom line? Here are 3 ways business blogging yields measurable results. Includes 40 blog tips and examples.
Repurposed Content VS Repromoted Content
What’s better for content marketing: Repurposed Content VS Repromoted Content? Here’s a clear explanation of how to integrate them into your marketing plan.
Improve Your Content Marketing To Drive Performance
Want to improve your content marketing to drive performance? Then follow these 5 takeaways from key content marketing influencers to increase your results.