What’s Your Firm’s Value Meal?
in today’s price-conscious marketplace,your firm just might need to develop a really attractive reduced price offer (aka its “value meal”). Here are 7 value offers and 7 economic factors to consider.
5 Ways Groupon (and Similar Suppliers) Can Make You Money
Groupon‘s daily deals targeted by city and delivered by email have received a lot of attention lately. To help marketers determine if this form of promotion is useful, here are 5 factors examine. Please read on …
How Social Media Has Changed Marketing’s 4Ps
When the Mad Men roamed boardrooms of major brands, marketing focused on the 4Ps: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. To stand out, Trout and Ries introduced the notion of positioning which they called the battle for your mind. Fast forward to 2010 where digital marketers still incorporate the 4Ps into their plans, social media has altered the nature of the 4Ps. Here’s how…
What Marketers Can Learn From LeBron James: It’s the Total Offer
NBA free agent, LeBron James, generated a unprecedented amount of fan and media attention regarding from his announcement of his future team. What fan reaction overlooks and marketers can learn from is the fact that, for LeBron James, like your customers, it’s the total offer that matters. Here are 25 questions to ask about your offer. Please read on …
Blog Help: No One Reads My Blog
What do I do? No one’s reading my blog. Understand that, no matter of how good a blogger you are, there are always ways to improve what you’re doing particularly where driving blog traffic and blog comments are concerned. Here’s blog help in the form of twenty-one blog challenges and fixes to remedy them.