When Social Media Goes Bad
Social media is a tell-like-it-is medium, not a create-a-glossy-ad-and-place-it marketing. Therefore, social media requires active, on-going engagement with the potential to elicit negative responses that can cause a PR crisis. Despite knowing this, marketers continue to face issues when creating social media campaigns, here are 7 tips. In addition, here are 7 other tips to help your marketing.
Content Marketing – Show Me The Money
With 2012 marketing budgets already set, where do you find the content marketing resources you need to succeed? Here are 15 tips (aka places where you can find copywriting, editorial, creative and/or budget) to develop content marketing that pulls prospects in.
Content Marketing Versus PR – Who Wins? [Chart]
Content marketing gets a bad rap because many marketers and small business owners don’t understand what content marketing is and since it includes the word marketing they think it must be expensive. By contrast they believe any form of PR will translate to sales without work on their part since it’s some “free” stuff. The reality is that neither of these views is correct. Both content marketing and PR have their distinctive roles to play in marketing. To shed light on the similarities and differences between content marketing and PR, here’s a comparison across twelve salient attributes.
Do Your Corporate Communications Miss the Mark?
Today’s corporate communications are complex. They’re no longer just broadcast messages from your organization to your customers and the public. Instead they’reone-to-many, one-to-one or many-to-many. These messages may be distributed via your internal media (such as your website, blog and print communications), third party media (such as television, newspapers and magazines) or user-generated media (such as social media networks). These exchanges may be created and disseminated by different departments and resources without centralized accountability. As a result, your corporate communications may lack a unified perspective, voice and/or branding. Even worse, there may be areas where you’ve no coverage leaving your organization vulnerable in today’s 24/7 always-on world. Here’s a 15 point corporate communications checklist.
Golden Age of PR: 5 Reasons Why
With the evolution of communications and media, the options for getting PR’s well crafted messages out to various publics, on behalf of individuals or organizations, have increased. PR’s tailored communication can be distributed one-to-many, one-to-one and/or many-to-many across owned media, third party media and/or social media via online and offline vehicles. Here are five reasons why now is the Golden Age of PR.
Where Does Public Relations Fit in Your Company?
Public relations or PR for short has changed a lot lately. While PR may be described in many different ways, everyone agrees that public relations is the corporate function that crafts an organization’s message(s) to its diverse publics. Among public relations many audiences are customers, prospects, investors, employees, suppliers, distributors, media/journalists, social media networks, government regulators, legislators and the public. To complicate their role, PR professionals are in chare of providing a variety of communications services that an organization may either fill internally or outsource to contractors. Because these communications involve content creation, they can have a big impact on a business’s search optimization efforts.
31 Public Relations Definitions
Say PR, as in public relations, particularly during a conversation about marketing and/or social media, and participants are liable to have vastly different perspectives on the topic. Traditionally, public relations referred to the art of getting mentions of a person, company or other organization placed in the media, namely print, radio and television. Here are 31 definitions of public relations or PR to help you.
LinkedIn: Business’ Social Media Matchmaker
LinkedIn is a professionally oriented, social media platform with over 90 million members. So why isn’t it more often at the top of marketers’ to-do list? Neglecting LinkedIn is a big mistake, since, like it’s sexier social media cousins Facebook and Twitter, it can drive real measurable business results. Here are 3 Business reasons to use LinkedIn and who’s using LinkedIn. (Hint: It’s not just for job hunters!)