Blogging Tips To Avoid Triskaidekaphobia: 13 Blogging Beliefs Busted
Whether or not you’re a blogger suffering from triskaidekaphobia, here’s help to improve your blog’s ability support your business and marketing with 13 bloggoing beliefs busted. Includes actionable blogging tips to improve your blog.
Instagram User Generated Content Rocks Marketing Results
Is Instagram user generated content (UGC) part of your content marketing mix? Look at research from Laundry Service & Dan Zarrella. Maybe it should be.
Social Media Images: 5 Ways to Go Viral
Do you want your social media posts to go viral? Follow these 5 tips to create viral social media images based on research of Google+ posts. Charts included.
16 Ridiculously Easy Ways To Increase Retweets
Do you want to increase retweets for your Twitter content? Here are 16 ridiculously easy ways to expand your Twitter reach.
Social Media Photos: The Eyes Have It [Examples]
Are photos part of your social media marketing strategy? Here are 15 winning social media photo tactics to get your audience engaged with snackable content.
3 Tips To Make Your Photographs More Memorable
Want your content marketing to stay top of mind for your prospects and customers? Then use photographs to tell your story but understand that the images you choose are important elements that contribute to making your message memorable. Here are 3 tips to make your photographs more memorable. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Instagram Hearts Visual Content Marketing (7 Charts)
About 60% of the top brands are on Instagram. Is yours? If not, you should reconsider because Instagram is the current see and be seen social media site that’s giving Pinterest a run for its money. Owned by Facebook, Instagram has 90 million monthly active users, 40 million photos per day, and 8,500 likes per second according to Simply Measured. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog