Pew Research Center
2015 US Teen Social Media Use: What You Need To Know
Do you know what teens are doing on social media and what this means for your marketing? Here is the 2015 US teen social media use with charts to guide you.
Social Media Marketing 2015: Where Is Your Audience?
Is your social media marketing 2015 on track to succeed? Here are 37 facts with charts and tips to understand your audience and how it acts on social media.
Tags: Facebook, Instagram, Jon Loomer, LinkedIn, Pew Research Center, Pinterest, Twitter
2010’s Top 10 Online Marketing Highlights [Data Included]
2010 was an important turning point for online marketing, particularly in terms of portable devices, new technologies and expanded communications channels. These highlights had a significant impact on marketing during the past year and will create a dynamic landscape for 2011 and beyond.
Tags: comScore, e-readers, Email Marketing, eMarketer, Exact Target, Experian, Facebook, Forrester Research, Gartner Resarch, Hitwise, Internet & American Life Project, iPad, kindle, Klout, Mobile, Online Advertising, Pew Research Center, Research, smartphone, Social media influence, The Nielsen Company