owned media
How To Reduce Non-Human Digital Traffic: 3 Ways That Will Make Your Marketing Succeed
Want to reduce Non-Human Digital Traffic? Use these 3 ways to improve your marketing results. Includes data and actionable tactics to combat non-human digital traffic.
Owned Media Platform Guide: 40+ Options You May Be Missing
Are you taking full advantage of your owned media platform? With 40+ options, the chances are you’re probably missing some key items. Use this owned media platform guide to ensure you’re maximizing your reach.
Facebook Algorithm Changes: Time To Diversify Your Digital Marketing Channels
Worried about how Facebook changes effect your marketing? Then diversify your digital media channels to reduce risk and maximize results. Includes digital media channel analysis and actionable tips.
Advertising: Customer Trust vs Customer Action [Infographic]
Which is better Advertising: Customer Trust vs Customer Action? Use this analysis and tips to add advertising to your marketing plans to yield results.
Owned Media VS Earned Media: Which Yields Better Results
Wondering whether you should use owned media or earned media?
This article examines these 2 content distribution options across 7 elements to help you maximize your reach based on your business and content needs.
50 (Almost) Free Ways To Repromote Content
Do you think your quality content reaches its maximum audience when you promote it the first time? See what research from Kapost found. Think beyond once and down content distribution. Check out these 50 (almost) free ways to repromote your content.
7 Keys To Maximize Content Distribution
Here are seven owned and social media publishing platforms to consider for content distribution. Where appropriate, modify your content to be contextually relevant for the venue (Hint: Think like a content curator!) Also, take into consideration where your audience is when they seek and/or consume your content
Facebook: How to Maximize Earned Media [Research]
The Beatles had it right when they sang “Can’t Buy Me Love.” No matter how much money marketers spend, they still can’t buy consumer love. But on social media, you can earn it! Not all social media marketing campaigns are equally effective at generating earned media in the form of engagement based on Wildfire’s analysis. Here are three Facebook research findings and five actionable marketing tips. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog.