Video Content Marketing: Are You A Super Star?
YouTube has passed over a billion unique users every month, that’s almost one out of every two Internet users. Further, all of Ad Age’s Top 100 brands now run campaigns on YouTube despite the fact marketers consider video content difficult and expensive to create. So what do the top brands know about video content that you don’t? Includes 8 charts and marketing tips. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
9 Tips For Marketing to Twitter Power Users
Since Twitter’s social media platform is made for mobile with its 140 character snack size communications, it’s no surprise that its power users go mobile. Three out of every five active Twitter users (or 120 million participants) login using a mobile device at least once every month based on Compete data. Mobile Twitter users display different behavior that’s important for marketers to understand.
9 Facebook Research Charts for Your 2013 Marketing Plan
Facebook remains social media’s global 800 pound gorilla. Post-IPO, Facebook is challenged to find new growth and monetization opportunities. Here are four different perspectives on Facebook’s growth during the second half of 2012 and what it means for Facebook and marketers for 2013 shown through nine different research charts. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
5 Pricing Challenges What You Need To Know To Improve Outcomes
While pricing has always been hard, in today’s social media engaged, mobile connected world, pricing is even more challenging because the changing environment has increased the risks. Here are pricing’s five biggest challenges and thirteen tactics to help handle them. While many of these examples are B2C, the same principles hold for B2B and solopreneur pricing. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
7 Marketing Predictions for 2013
The beginning of a new year is a time to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going with our 2013 marketing plans. Here, in order of importance, are seven marketing predictions for 2013 that apply across many business types. (As a point of comparison, here are 2012’s marketing predictions.)
2013 Extreme Marketing Predicitions
Before we dive into the ho-hum forecasts of 2013, here are extreme predictions that go beyond the conventional trends of the past few years. The goal is to capture the thinking of marketing experts that can be conveyed via a smartphone. We started this tradition last year with twenty-four experts giving their 2012 predictions. Here are the extreme predictions of nineteen marketing experts, a majority of whom have contributed useful books on the range of marketing topics. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
2012: Social Media, Content Marketing and Mobile
For marketers, 2012 was dominated by social media’s evolution beyond its high growth phase, the explosion of content marketing, and the growth of smartphones, tablets and other connected devices. These three trends influenced how we see the world, connect with each other and shop. Here are the top 12 Actionable Marketing blog posts of 2012 from Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog.
2012′s Biggest Marketing Break Throughs
2012 was an evolutionary year for marketing. Trends that had been growing outside of the main focus of social media, search and digital moved to the center of marketing driven by the expanded offering and ownership of smartphones, tablets and other content consuming devices. Here’s what stood out for eighteen marketing experts. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog