Mobile marketing
5 Core Attributes of Experiential Marketing
Do your customers interact & connect with your brand creating memorable experiences? If not, test experiential marketing defined by these 5 core attributes.
4Ps Drive Mobile Commerce (& The Marketing You Need!) [Research]
US mobile commerce sales including travel grew to $6.7 billion in 2011, an increase of over 90% from 2010, despite retailers’ slow response to offer mobile shopping options. eMarketer projects US m-commerce sales to grow at a 55% compound annual rate from 2010 to 2015. This expansion is driven by a combination of increased smartphone ownership, enhanced use of smartphone functionality and improved m-commerce options. Here are the 4 Ps of m-commerce in order of importance and what marketers must do to supply this information. [Data included]
Do You Know Your Marketing ABCs?
It’s Back-to-School time. Marketing has changed and evolved since we were in school. Here are the ABCs of Marketing.
Listen to the Godfather: Watch Your Competitors
Are you providing opportunities for your competitors without realizing it? Marketers can learn from Sonny Corleone’s illegitimate son, Vincent Mancini, played by Andy Garcia, who says, “Your enemies always get strong on what you leave behind.” in Godfather III. Here are sixteen major categories of competitive information to collect and analyze to ensure that your competitors don’t get strong on business opportunities that you’ve overlooked.
Does Your Digital Marketing Contain These 5 Building Blocks?
Do your digital marketing plans incorporate these five crucial building blocks? The proliferation of technology platforms and marketing options can be confusing when plotting your business’ course. The newest shiny business tool can sometimes blind marketers. As a result, it can be difficult to ensure your marketing plans contain the most relevant and effective components. To help you keep your digital marketing on course to achieve your firm’s objectives, here are the five major elements to integrate into your plans and why you need each one.
Location Based Services (LBS): Who’s Checking In Now? [Chart]
Location based services are breaking through. One out five smartphone owners or 12.7 million users checked in with a smartphone to a location-based service (LBS) in March 2011. What does this mean for your marketing? Data included.
Mobile Marketing: What Are You Waiting For?
Are you always thinking that mobile marketing is going to be the next big thing but maybe you can put off taking action until next year? Given the high growth of web-enabled mobile devices, now’s the time to start your mobile marketing strategy. Here are six basic steps to get your mobile marketing on track.
Mobile Search is Everywhere
Consumers have their phones with them all the time and use them to find information using mobile search. Recent Performics/ROI Research has five insights for marketers. Based on this mobile search research, here are six mobile marketing tactics to help marketers take advantage of these trends.