Marketing Metrics
AMG Author Interview – Dan Gingiss, The Experience Maker
Want to improve your customer experience (or CX)? Read this author interviews with Dan Gingiss on “The Experience Maker” to attract and retain customers longer and profitably.
Marketing Success Metrics: 3 Types You Need To Know
Want to achieve business goals despite fear of math? Use marketing success metrics to track results over time. Has marketing metric definitions with easy-to-use formulas.
5 Top 2017 Marketing Trends And 2018 Marketing Implications
Here are the 5 Top 2017 Marketing Trends and their 2018 marketing implications. Includes 2018 marketing tactics and charts to make your case.
4 Facebook Metrics to Track [Chart]
On Facebook, track performance to understand if your marketing achieves its objectives. Here are 3 Facebook metrics to maximize & 1 metric to minimize. Additionally, there are 3 considerations for a successful Facebook marketing strategy. [Chart included]
How to Start Your Blog – 23 Point Checklist
Just as Bastille Day commemorates the symbolic uprising of the French nation against the monarchy on July 14, 1789, blogging is the beginning of a new era of decentralized publishing by individuals. Blogging allows individuals, businesses and media entities to publish and distribute their content cost effectively. Here’s how to start your blog.
7 B2B Content Marketing Gems (B2C Can Also Use!)
Content marketing doesn’t just happen nor is it a silo off on the side of your business. Content marketing must be an integral part of your organization’s corporate strategy, allocated appropriate resources, both human and financial, because it creates strategic corporate assets that in turn help build your revenue stream. Content marketing’s strategic role in an organization was the core message of Demand Gen Report’s B2B Content2Conversion Conference in New York. While targeted at a B2B audience, the lessons of these B2B rockstar presenters apply to B2C and Not-for-Profit (NFP) organizations as well. Here are the top seven content marketing gems. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog