Marjorie Clayman
Top Marketing #FAILs of 2012
While marketing made significant gains in 2012 in terms of social media, content marketing and mobile, not every campaign was a winner. There were notable marketing #FAILs in 2012.
Based on how effectively a marketing campaign’s executed, there’s a range of potential results from excellent to poor. But to fail in today’s always-on, connected social media ecosystem means the marketer is tone deaf to what’s happening in the world or hasn’t focused on the appropriate elements of their marketing plan.
Here’s what seventeen top marketers viewed as the top marketing #FAILs of 2012. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Marketing Versus PR: What’s the Difference
There’s a love-hate relationship between marketing and PR. While both marketing and PR are at their best when used together, many professionals feel that they need to choose one or the other. To frame this conversation, marketing is defined by Dr. Phillip Kotler as “the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit.” By contrast, here’s how PRSA (Public Relations Society of America) defines PR: “[Public relations] helps an organization and its publics adapt mutually to each other. ” Here’s what 11 communications area experts said.
What Desperate Housewives Can Teach You About Blog Comments
Do you wonder how to attract comments on your blog? If so, this post’s for you! With a little help from Bree, Lynnette, Susan and Gaby, you’ll have the tools to start to entice readers to engage with you on your blog. Here are 7 tips to help you nurture your comment garden.
Generate Blog Posts Without Really Working
Let’s face it, writing is hard work. As a result, we can be overcome by the Blank-Blog-Post-Syndrome. To help you, here are 5 tips to leverage other people’s content and comments to develop your blog posts.