Margie Clayman
14 Social Media Blogs We Love (& Why You Should Too!)
It’s Valentine’s Day when we celebrate romance and who’s more romantic than a blogger? They share their enthusiasm, knowledge and emotions regularly without expectation of compensation. In the spirit of romance we celebrate fourteen of the social media blogs we love and the bloggers behind them in alphabetical order.
2013 Extreme Marketing Predicitions
Before we dive into the ho-hum forecasts of 2013, here are extreme predictions that go beyond the conventional trends of the past few years. The goal is to capture the thinking of marketing experts that can be conveyed via a smartphone. We started this tradition last year with twenty-four experts giving their 2012 predictions. Here are the extreme predictions of nineteen marketing experts, a majority of whom have contributed useful books on the range of marketing topics. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
2012′s Biggest Marketing Break Throughs
2012 was an evolutionary year for marketing. Trends that had been growing outside of the main focus of social media, search and digital moved to the center of marketing driven by the expanded offering and ownership of smartphones, tablets and other content consuming devices. Here’s what stood out for eighteen marketing experts. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
2012’s Biggest Marketing Surprises
Regardless of how well you plan, every year has a few surprises that catch you while you weren’t paying attention.
Here is what nineteen experts reveal was their biggest surprise in the marketing sphere this past year.
Twitter: Make Every Tweet Count [Research]
Do you ever wonder if anyone’s listening to you on Twitter? If so, you’ll want to read the latest research from Carnegie Mellon University, MIT and Georgia Tech. It shows your feelings are correct about a quarter of the time. But before you start worrying, know that slightly more than one in three of your tweets is worth reading. Want more bang for your 140 characters? Then follow these ten rules based on this research to make your tweets break through the Twittersphere’s noise to get read. (Of course, it helps to practice good Twitter etiquette.)
27 Marketing Wishes for 2012
Want insight into how marketers think? To find out, I asked twenty-seven marketing experts across a range of specialties what their wish was for 2012. While it sounds like an easy question to answer, I was surprised by the responses. Read these twenty-seven marketing wishes for 2012 and you’ll discover marketers are eternal optimists as well as learn where their frustrations lie.
2012 Extreme Marketing Predictions
While many marketing experts, myself included, use the beginning of the year to give their predictions for the coming year, they often stay close to the mainstream currents. To get beyond the conventional forecasts, I asked a group of leading marketers across a range of expertise for their most extreme marketing prediction for 2012. Their responses are a quick roundup that could be conveyed on a smartphone. Here are 24 extreme marketing forecasts that take a look inside the minds of some marketing leaders.
2011 Marketing Book Recommendations By 12 Experts
Regardless of your format of choice, hardcover, paperback or ebook, 2011 produced a bookshelf full of great marketing titles as well as more general business books. Here are the recommendations of twelve marketing experts on their marketing book choices for 2011.