Mad Men

Mad Man Don Draper’s Social Media Insights

Don Draper’s words still resonate today because, while the Mad Men lived in an earlier less complex marketing world, the marketing issues they confronted remain the same. The difference is that our social media infused landscape provides more communications platforms and requires a greater level of transparency and engagement. Here are five Don Draper’s quotes that sound like he was talking about social media.

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How Social Media Has Changed Marketing’s 4Ps

When the Mad Men roamed boardrooms of major brands, marketing focused on the 4Ps: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. To stand out, Trout and Ries introduced the notion of positioning which they called the battle for your mind. Fast forward to 2010 where digital marketers still incorporate the 4Ps into their plans, social media has altered the nature of the 4Ps. Here’s how…

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