John Marshall
Social Media Monitoring – 10 Social Media Experts Tell You What to Use
Is your firm monitoring social media? Even if your firm isn’t active on social media platforms, you must track the social media ecosphere for mentions of your company name, products, brands executives and competitors. For most businesses, the social media analytics landscape is confusing because it can be difficult to determine your exposure until you’ve been active for a while. At a minimum, you must invest in social media monitoring tools and analytics savvy personnel. To help readers determine which tools they should use, I surveyed social media experts for their recommendations.
The One Social Media Metric You Need [Data]
As social media marketing matures, measuring its effectiveness is a high priority for marketers. Every marketer knows the bottom line for social media marketing, like any other type of marketing investment, is what it will do to grow my business. To help social media marketers better understand the results of their social media initiatives, I asked a group of social media marketers and metrics experts what they thought was the most important element of social media metrics. (Read Social Media Marketing Metrics ABCs to get a better understanding of social media marketing metrics.)