Jason Falls
3 Mobile Marketing Questions Your Business Needs to Answer
With the increase in ownership of mobile devices including smartphones and tablets, consider how to integrate mobile into your marketing plans. While your audience may not be as tech savvy as you are, don’t underestimate their desire to seek your business on a mobile device even if it’s a B2B offering. Here are three marketing questions to get your mobile plans on track. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Social Media: 10 PR Tactics
No one cares about your latest press release especially on social media. Using social media for PR is about building a community around your business and creating content your audience wants. Here are ten social media tactics for PR that focus on how you can help others on social media while building relationships for your clients. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
What Marketing Is NOT
My recent post of marketing definitions with contributions from seventy-two different sources generated a lot of discussion around what marketing is. One interesting topic that arose in these discussions was the question of what marketing is NOT. As with art, examining negative space provides a different view of marketing and how it functions within an organization. Here are five definitions of what marketing is NOT.