Mobile Marketing: Can You Reach Me Now?
Mobile devices are an integral part of our lives. As a marketer, this means that your content, engagement and communications with prospects, customers and the public must be able to be delivered on the consumer’s device of choice and enable the owner to act on your message at their convenience, not yours. Here are six mobile marketing charts explained.
25 Smartphone and Tablet Research Charts
Mobile marketing is at the top of every marketer’s to-do list but the challenge is that most of them don’t really understand how their target audience uses smartphones and tablets. At the heart of the problem is the fact that mobile marketing sounds new and expensive despite the fact that most of them own one or more of these devices.
When it comes to mobile marketing, most consumers are way ahead of marketers in their use of their smartphones and tablets. They’ve developed a variety of habits to deal with the on-going avalanche of content. To get your marketing on track, here are twenty-five research charts explained in plain English. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
53 New Mobile Marketing Facts [Research/Charts]
Mobile penetration for smartphones, tablets and other connected devices continues to expand, changing how both customers and marketers communicate and interact. Our voracious appetite for new connected devices has changed how we consume content and these changes require marketers to adapt their communications in order to reach their target audiences.
To help you mobilize your business to support your objectives, here are 53 new mobile marketing facts taken from twenty-three research charts organized by category.
Video Content Marketing: Are You A Super Star?
YouTube has passed over a billion unique users every month, that’s almost one out of every two Internet users. Further, all of Ad Age’s Top 100 brands now run campaigns on YouTube despite the fact marketers consider video content difficult and expensive to create. So what do the top brands know about video content that you don’t? Includes 8 charts and marketing tips. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog