Social Media Images: 5 Ways to Go Viral
Do you want your social media posts to go viral? Follow these 5 tips to create viral social media images based on research of Google+ posts. Charts included.
Images: How to Tell Your Brand Story [Examples]
Stories trump other forms of information making them important for your brand. Images take stories beyond plain text and words; they provide context for the listener and make memorable associations. As a result, one image can be more powerful than the associated words.
As a marketer, use the power of images to tell your brand’s story concisely to today’s content snacking consumer. Even more valuable to your brand are stories that get people talking. Here are five reasons images tell good brand stories and five tips to help you use images to tell you brand’s story. Includes 3 examples with graphics. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog.
3 Tips To Make Your Photographs More Memorable
Want your content marketing to stay top of mind for your prospects and customers? Then use photographs to tell your story but understand that the images you choose are important elements that contribute to making your message memorable. Here are 3 tips to make your photographs more memorable. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Maximize Your Blog’s Photo Power
Photographs are an integral part of blogs. Only a very few blogs, such as Seth Godin and Clay Shirky, can survive on text alone. Photographs are a powerful blog component since they pull readers in, augment blog posts and provide content. Included are 11 places to use photographs on blogs, 7 photo sources and 3 ways to increase photo effectiveness. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Social Media Images: 5 Options [Examples]
Images, especially photographs, are 2012’s social media darlings across platforms from Facebook and Twitter to Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram. What can you do if your organization doesn’t have rights to use these images and photographs across social media platforms? Here are five alternatives marketers can leverage. (Of course, don’t forget to integrate your brand!) Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Pinterest Etiquette: 13 Tips to Pin By
The golden rule applies to Pinterest etiquette. Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you. On an image driven content site, following this seemingly simple rule isn’t always as easy as it appears, especially for marketers who may not understand the platform’s implicit rules of conduct. To help you mind your Pinterest manners, here are thirteen recommendations to guide your pinning activity. (Here’s what Pinterest says about etiquette.)
Images: 5 Ways to Feed the Content Beast
Images especially photos, are white hot this year fueled by Pinterest’s explosive growth, Instagram’s sale and Facebook’s timeline. Beyond these social media platforms, there are other places online where images attract an audience such as tumblr, blog posts, infographics and presentations. Here are five reasons why marketers need images and the five Cs of social media image content. From Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog.
Blog: Small Actions, Big Results
Yesterday was Small Business Saturday. Promoted by American Express, the promotion celebrated the virtues of small retailers and encouraged shoppers to support local businesses. As I shopped at my favorite local store where the promotion attracted lots of buyers, I realized this approach could be applied to blogging. On your blog, this translates to taking small actions that add up to big results. While one little step by itself won’t do a lot, it’s the cumulative impact of all of them together that yield real accomplishments. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog