65 Metrics To Track Blog Success
To measure your blog’s success, start by setting your blog’s goals and determining which metrics are most effective to track your progress against these objectives. This holds whether your blog is B2C, B2B, not-for-profit (NFP), or solorpreneur. Blog metrics are about attracting the right audience and getting them to take appropriate action as a result of reading your posts. Most blog goals fall into one of nine major categories outlined below. To help you get your blog metrics on course, here are 65 options organized by goal to get your blog’s tracking going. SOURCE: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Tags: Call-to-actino, Goals, Marketing Metrics
Do You Know Your Marketing ABCs?
It’s Back-to-School time. Marketing has changed and evolved since we were in school. Here are the ABCs of Marketing.
Tags: Advertising, Branding, Communications, Community, Competitor, customer, design, Direct Marketing, e-commerce, Email, Fans, Free, gamification, Goals, green, guarantees, hoidays, incentives, influence, jingle, junk mail, know your customer, lifetime value, loyalty, marketing plans, marketishare, Media, Mobile marketing, Niche, Place, positing, Price, Product, Promotion, qr code, qualtiy, referral, Research, rewards, Rwesources, Social Media, target market, testing, Trust, unique selling proposition., USP, Value, Video, viral marketing, Website, word of mouth marketing, X-factor, youth marketing, zero based marketing