Frank Eliason
How To Be A Social Media All Star
If there was a social media equivalent of the 2013 Baseball All Star game, who would you choose to be your social media star?
Check out any list of top social media experts and you’ll find that they have a set of consistent traits. While following these traits by themselves won’t necessarily make you a social media star, they will help you establish your social media credentials.
How Social Media Transformed Customer Service [Data]
Social media has transformed customer service from a faceless voice at the end of your 800 number to the people who make your firm real by engaging with consumers, in real time, showing them you care. Yet, there’s a disconnect between how companies and consumers view customer service delivered via social media platforms. Here are 5 ways that social media changes customer service.
Do You Need a Social Media Manager?
For many of the plugged-in generation, the idea of spending their working hours hanging out on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites sounds like a dream job. From a corporate perspective, the question of when you should bring the social media function in-house is an important issue.