Experian Hitwise
9 Tips For Marketing to Twitter Power Users
Since Twitter’s social media platform is made for mobile with its 140 character snack size communications, it’s no surprise that its power users go mobile. Three out of every five active Twitter users (or 120 million participants) login using a mobile device at least once every month based on Compete data. Mobile Twitter users display different behavior that’s important for marketers to understand.
Tags: Compete, Experian Hitwise, Mobile, Twitter
Do Your Online Videos Have Star Power? [Data Included]
Which film will get this year’s Oscar for best social media lessons? While The Social Network might be the obvious choice since it’s the story of Facebook, my money is on The King’s Speech, an old-fashioned movie about friendship – the core of social media.
Tags: Chart, eMarketer, Experian Hitwise, Online Video, YouTube