19 Reasons To Add Pinterest To Your Social Media Strategy
Pinterest, the image based social media site, tends to attract participants interested in home decorating, crafts, fashion, and food. Regardless of your business focus, you need to better understand what Pinterest has to offer your business and its social media marketing. To see where you can integrate photographs and images into your content marketing to fuel Pinterest engagement, examine some recent research data to see where there are opportunities. Here are ten charts and nineteen facts about Pinterest to help you use the social media site.
Twitter’s Engagement Problem [Data]
Twitter has an engagement problem. As Twitter approaches its 500 millionth account, now is a good time to look at what Tweeters are actually doing. recent research reveals issues related to engagement. Analysis of 100,000 recently registered accounts by Twopcharts revealed the following seven trends. (Charts included.)
Social Media Customer Service: Are You Listening?
When businesses engage on social media, they often use it as a one-way communication tool to distribute marketing content. This approach fails to take into account how customers will use any and every communications channel to get their customer service inquiries answered. Here are three ways that social media customer service supports marketing efforts and seven steps to improve your customer service via social media.
Social Media: 13 Must-Have Facts & Insights Every Marketer Needs [Charts]
While it’s the number one activity on the web, social media still requires more than a college student with a large Facebook following. To develop an effective social media marketing strategy requires knowing your products, brand and business. Further, social media must be integrated into your overall business plan. Here are thirteen social media related facts and what they mean for your marketing.
How to Make Your Blog a Powerhouse [Data]
Are you wondering why you should focus on blogging when there are so many social media options for today’s marketers? It’s because blogs should be at the heart of your social media marketing.Blogging yields 79% more Twitter followers and attracted 97% more links for businesses, according to Hubspot’s research. These elements in turn improved social media and search optimization results. Here are ten tips to make your blog a powerhouseand achieve your objectives in a measurable way.
Digital Media: Four Screens No Waiting [Chart]
The digital media landscape is in flux despite the fact that Americans spend over ten hours a day consuming content. A year after Apple introduced the iPad, Americans consume content on four major categories of devices: televisions, computers (including desktops, laptops and netbooks), tablets and smartphones. At the same time, content consumption continues to change and adapt with the evolution of devices and user functionality. Here are 4 different content consumption habits and a chart to show how to use them on 4 different devices.