Instagram – Sales Versus Engagement [Research]
Instagram Sales Versus Engagement. Recent University of Wisconsin research shows that use of Instagram photos can improve sales when added to your website.
Tags: Curalate, Instagram, Olapic, Research, University of Wisconsin
Pinterest: Marketers’ Social Media BFF
Are you using Pinterest to drive sales? Here are 12 actionable Pinterest tips (with data & examples) to help you improve your sales.
Tags: Curalate, Pinora, Pinterest, Pinterest tips, Quitokeeto
How To Build Your Brand On Pinterest [Research]
Participants use Pinterest‘s visual eye candy differently than other social media platforms. For marketers looking to use it to build their brand and support the purchase process, understanding this point is key to attracting and engaging your audience on Pinterest. Research and charts including 5 Actionable Marketing Insights. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog