Content, Inc. – Revised Edition
Get the inside scoop on the Content, Inc Model in this author interview with Joe Pulizzi. He discusses content marketing, email newsletters and more.
4 Pillars of Digital Marketing
An in-depth analysis of the 4 pillars of digital marketing. Includes definitions, data, charts and tips to help you improve your company’s marketing plans.
15 Tips To Reduce Content Marketing Costs
Want to get more from your content marketing budget? You can. Follow these 15 tips to reduce content marketing costs. Example included.
Blogging: 10 Ways To Boost Reader Appeal
Do visitors abandon your blog without reading 1 word? If so, your blog may suffer from THDR. Here are 10 tips to improve your blog usability.
23 Actionable Marketing Tactics To Keep Business On Track
Here are the five major marketing trends that have emerged over the last three years and five trends that have remained constant. In addition, there are 23 actionable marketing tactics.
How to Maximize Your Content Marketing Budget
Just as we celebrate Earth Day by setting up processes to preserve our natural resources – recycling and reusing products like paper, glass and plastic – content marketers must consider how to conserve their scarce resources, namely content, budget and employee time.
Similar to being green, content marketers can achieve their goals by rethinking how they use their limited business resources. Here’s a seven step plan to help you. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
29 Blogging Tactics To Increase Blog Success
Blogs require more that amazing quality content to yield optimal results. They require a combination of different elements that attracting attention and make it easier for readers to consumption content. Here are seven common blogging mistakes that are guaranteed to hurt your blog’s results. To improve your blog’s effectiveness, a set of tactics are included with each mistake to help your blog succeed. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog