Content Matters
Content Marketing: How to Capitalize on Breaking News and Trending Topics
From a content marketing perspective, trending topics and news can help you to attract an audience and gain attention for your product, brand and/or company. David Meerman Scott, author of Real Time Marketing and PR, coined the word, “newsjacking” for this process so that you can interject your company’s point of view into the news cycle. To better understand how to use newsjacking as part of your marketing, here’s what twenty content marketing experts, including David Meerman Scott, have to say.
Tags: Altimeter, Arnie Kuenn, Barry Feldman, Barry Graubart, CC Chapman, Content Marketing Institute, Content Matters, Curata, Dan Blank, Dave Kerpen, David Meerman Scott, Dragon Search, Heidi Cohen, Jake Sofofman, Jason Miller, Joe Puluzzi, Kelly Hungerford, Kiss Metrics, Likeable Media, Lindsay Bell, Marketo, Michael Brenner, Nate Riggs, Neil Patel, newsjacking,, Pawan Deshpande, Rebecca Lieb, Ric Dragon, Riverside Marketing Strategies, SAP, SAS, Spin Sucks, Vertical Measures, Waynette Tubbs, We Grow Media