Chris Anderson
101 Social Media Marketing Resources
Posted on December 10, 2012 by Heidi Cohen in Blogging, Marketing Resources, Social Media | 29 Comments
Here’s a monster list of 101 social media marketing resources (the 2012 edition) to help expand your knowledge of this ever-changing ecosystem. These resources are useful for newbies and social media mavens alike, looking to learn about the field as well as to hone their business skills.
Tags: Amy Porterfield, Andy Sernovitz, Ben McConnell, Brian Solis, Charlene Li, Chris Anderson, Chris Brogan, Clay SHirky, Copyblogger, Dave Evans, Dave Fleet, Dave Kerpen, David Meerman Scott, Ed Keller, Facebook, Geoff livingston, Gini Dietrich, google+, Hubspot, Jackie Hubba, Jeffrey L. Cohen, Jennifer Aaker, Kipp BOdnar, Lee Odden, LinkedIn, Malcolm Gladwell, mari smith, Mashable, Pinterest, problogger, Ric Dragon, Seth Godin, Shiv Singh, Slideshare, Smart Brief for Social Media, Social Media Examiner, Todd Wheatland, Twitter, Who's Blogging What, YouTube