Cake Wrecks
3 Ways to Master the Social Media Conversation
Social media has a voracious appetite when it comes to content. Like a growing teenager that’s constantly eating, social media always needs more. To help you fuel the social media conversation, here are the three major elements you need. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
7 Ways to Incorporate Photographs Into Your Blog
While photographs can take your blog from dull to dazzling, the main reason to incorporate photographs into your blog is your readers. Photographs quickly and succinctly convey information to your audience, whether they’re prospects, customers, social media connections or the public – better than words. Here are 5 ways photographs can enhance your blog’s attractiveness and 7 ways to integrate photographs into your blog posts to increase readership and social sharing. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Blog Show and Tell: 3 Blogging Lessons With Examples
Do you remember show and tell? In nursery school, I had to bring in an unusual item and explain it to my classmates. Unlike my friends, I didn’t settle for an ordinary toy or household object. Instead I brought my sister. The great advantage was that she was able to talk for herself. Over the years, I’ve found old-fashioned show and tell to be a useful teaching technique because it illustrates the point better than describing it can ever do. Here are three blogging elements where show and tell can help you learn and improve your craft.