Business blog
7 Actionable Blogging Tactics for Individuals, Businesses & Media
Blogs provide a home base for content publishing and social media that’s highly useful for individuals, corporations (B2C and B2B) and media entities. While these three categories of blogs vary in their content and goals, we can benefit from examining how they’re similar and different. Chart and actionable tactics from Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Why Your Blog Is Your Business’s BFF
Rick Perry’s “oops moment” at the CNBC Michigan Presidential debate where he forgot the third government agency he planned to eliminate underscores the importance of having a business blog. In this type of PR crisis, a blog can be a BFF to get Rick Perry or your business’ perspective out instantly without waiting for next traditional news cycles. In honor of Rick Perry’s brain freeze, here are three ways a blog can help your business present its case without waiting for the next news cycle. Ideally, this should be at the core of your Crisis Management Plan.
10 Reasons Your Boss Doesn’t Want A Blog & Why He’s Wrong [Chart]
Many senior executives, marketers included, don’t think that blogs rate high in terms of marketing strategies. At best, they view blogs as a cost of doing business. The subtext of this message is blogs don’t do anything to help me achieve my business. Does this sound like your boss? If so, check the ten reasons bosses have for not wanting a blog and show him why he’s wrong.
7 Business Blogging Tips From Blogworld Expo New York
Here are seven tips I picked up at today’s Blogworld Expo sessions that can help you to take your business blog to the next level. When you’re developing your business blogging strategy, don’t overlook internal blogs as these can be very useful for internal communications and training.
How to Use Your Blog to Sell
Many companies spend lots of resources and effort to create a blog that supports their business, particularly the sales process. Yet many corporate bloggers complain that while their blogs contain relevant information and attract visitors, they can’t track how their blog has influenced sales. Social media has raised customers’ expectations about the information they need before they purchase. If your blog content is relevant to prospects’ and customers’ needs before and after purchase and your products deliver on their promise, you can convert your blog into a sales machine. Included are the 3 Cs of using your blog to sell and 5 ways to convert your track to sales.
7 Business Blogging Improvement Tips
A business blog is a great addition to your marketing strategy because it supports your other online efforts and helps achieve a variety of corporate goals. Personal blogs provide useful insights that corporate bloggers can integrate into their blogging initiatives to help them achieve their goals. Here are seven personal blogging tips to improve your business blog.
Do Business Blogs Chase the Wrong Metrics?
Business blogs chase comments as a success metric just like other types of bloggers, based on Blog2Post’s Corporate Blog Survey. By focusing on comments, marketers are forgetting to set a business blog strategy based on their business goals and determining appropriate metrics as they do with other forms of social media. Here are 12 Corporate Blog Goals and Related Metrics
Blogging Fundamentals for Business – 5 Tips You Need Now
Michael A. Stelzner, the founder of, a top social media blog, and author of Launch: How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition (Affiliate link), is a blogging dynamo. In honor of BlogWorld Expo New York and the introduction of Blogging Fundamentals for Business, an online business-building workshop, I interviewed Mike to get his business blogging insights.