Brian Clark
How To Be A Social Media All Star
If there was a social media equivalent of the 2013 Baseball All Star game, who would you choose to be your social media star?
Check out any list of top social media experts and you’ll find that they have a set of consistent traits. While following these traits by themselves won’t necessarily make you a social media star, they will help you establish your social media credentials.
14 Social Media Blogs We Love (& Why You Should Too!)
It’s Valentine’s Day when we celebrate romance and who’s more romantic than a blogger? They share their enthusiasm, knowledge and emotions regularly without expectation of compensation. In the spirit of romance we celebrate fourteen of the social media blogs we love and the bloggers behind them in alphabetical order.
5 Ways to Drive Business With Content Marketing [Examples]
Many businesses are reticent to give their content away for free. Their dilemma is that strong, useful information doesn’t just happen. Despite relatively low-cost social media and internal media distribution, the combination of deep knowledge and great content development require both human and financial resources.
Why Social Media Isn’t The Holy Grail (& Neither is Content Marketing)
“Social media isn’t the holy grail,” according to Social Media Examiner’s Mike Stelzner, author of Launch: How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition, speaking at Content Marketing World 2012. At first blush this may sound ludicrous coming from the founder of one of the largest social media blogs but the reality is that social media isn’t a business goal!
7 Content Marketing Rockstars Give Their Tips For Success
Content Marketing rocks despite being around for years. Content marketing consists of human communication transmitted from one person to another. Don’t take my word for it, here’s what seven content marketing rockstars said about the subject at Content Marketing World. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Why Have a Personal Blog?
Before starting your personal blog, here are seven reasons to consider. They are closely tied to your goals for your blog.