Don’t Think You Need Blog Goals? Think Again
Many bloggers overlook the need for a blog strategy. To them, it’s too much like a business proposition. The reality is that blogging is a serious endeavor, whether you’re doing it for business or personal reasons. Therefore you need a strategy to achieve your objectives. Here are eight major blogging goals.
What Desperate Housewives Can Teach You About Blog Comments
Do you wonder how to attract comments on your blog? If so, this post’s for you! With a little help from Bree, Lynnette, Susan and Gaby, you’ll have the tools to start to entice readers to engage with you on your blog. Here are 7 tips to help you nurture your comment garden.
Another 15 Ways to Expand Your Blog Reach
Building a blog following requires a marketing plan. This blog building plan requires consistently exposing new people to your content, ways to keep readers coming back, and making sharing easy. Here are 15 additional tactics to support your blog building efforts.
12 Ways to Grow Your Blog Audience
Every blogger wonders how they’ll develop a following when they first start blogging. Even top ranked Seth Godin had no followers when he started. Here are 12 ideas to help you flog your blog to build an audience. They’re worth a look whether you’re a newbie or an long time blogger.
Does Your Blog Have Personality? 7 Points to Help You Create Your Writer’s Voice
When faced with a blank screen, many bloggers and other social media content creators are at a loss as to what to do. Here are 7 points to help you find your writer’s voice based on last night’s #blogchat.
Listening is the New Black
Chris Brogan advised direct marketers to grow big ears at DMA:2010 because listening is the new black. Unlike direct marketing which focuses on purchase, social media interaction takes place earlier in the process. Therefore, Chris Brogan had 3 pieces of advice for direct marketers to adapt their businesses to social media. Please read on …
Establishing Outposts in the Social Media Ecosphere
Marketers can extend their reach through the use of social media’s assortment of tools to distribute information which Chris Brogan calls outposts. Because time is the great equalizer, attention, the amount of time focused on your message, is a scarce commodity. Therefore your content needs to center on consumers and the public’s goals and needs and appear where they spend time. This article examines 3 types of outposts in the social media ecosystem. Please read on …
Blog Comments: How To Get Them!
Blog comments are nirvana for bloggers. The challenge is that most bloggers receive very few of them if any. Here are 7 suggestions to help you get more comments on your blog and recommendations for blog comment policies.