blog post
How One Blog Post Generated $2 Million Sales
Want to increase sales and leads with blog posts? Read the explanation of how this blog post generated $2 million in sales. The steps are explained.
12 Blog Post Tips To Rock Your Editorial Calendar
As a veteran of almost three years of blogging, there are times when it feels like there’s nothing new to post. It’s like you’re in blogging prison until you publish something of value. To help you break free from your blog prison, here are twelve tips that will rock your editorial calendar with inspired blog posts,
How to Create Fail-Proof Blog Posts – 15 Must-Have Factors
Every blogger prays each blog post is a home run yielding lots of readers, social media shares and comments. As Mack Collier has pointed out and I strongly agree, you need to focus your blog on achieving your blog goals, not just chasing social shares or comments. To this end, writing consistently strong blog posts yields results over time. (Don’t take my word for it, check out how SEO whiz Rand Fishkin shows this for his wife’s blog.) Here are 15 steps to help make your blog fail-proof.