Blog comments
3 Massive Comment Generators (& The 1 Secret They Share)
Comments are gold to bloggers, writers and marketers. Why? Simple—blog comments provide public evidence of an engaged community. Even more important, in the current social media ecosystem where clicking a social sharing button is easier than taking the time to leave a well thought out comment, it’s difficult to garner more than a few if any comments. Here are three ways to massively generate blog comments and the 1 secret they all share.
21 Tips to Get Your Blog Noticed Now
Is your blog off the map? Just as Columbus set out to discover a new route to the East Indies, you need to get your blog discovered amidst a sea of other blogs and content options. While Columbus had royal backing, unless you’ve got a kickass hook and/or break through branding, you’ve got to get out there and give people a reason to read your content. Here are twenty-one ways to help get your blog discovered. Some of them require more effort than others.
20 Blog How-Tos
Mayday is a boat’s distress signal. To celebrate May 1st, here’s a blogging 911 to give you the answers to the top twenty blogging questions. There’s useful blogging how-tos for both beginning and experienced bloggers.
21 Ways Bloggers Engage
Despite the image of a lone writer sequestered behind his computer, bloggers write because they want to engage. Blogs provide a publishing platform that allows a blogger to share his perspective with his target audience, colleagues and the public in general. Engagement is important because it’s proof that others have read and reacted to the blogger’s work. Here are 21 ways to that bloggers can engage with their readers.
Leaving Blog Comments: The Goldilocks Approach
Leaving comments on other people’s blogs is one of the unwritten rules of blogging. The notion of do unto others as you would have them do unto you should be obvious to bloggers who constantly seek to get more blogs comments, but, alas, it’s not. Take the Goldilocks approach to leaving comments to help simplify this task.
Blog Help: No One Reads My Blog
What do I do? No one’s reading my blog. Understand that, no matter of how good a blogger you are, there are always ways to improve what you’re doing particularly where driving blog traffic and blog comments are concerned. Here’s blog help in the form of twenty-one blog challenges and fixes to remedy them.
Blog Comments: How To Get Them!
Blog comments are nirvana for bloggers. The challenge is that most bloggers receive very few of them if any. Here are 7 suggestions to help you get more comments on your blog and recommendations for blog comment policies.
Blogging: Are You Driving Readers Away?
While most bloggers seek to build the largest audience they can, they may unintentionally annoy readers and drive them away without realizing it. To get your blog on track, here are 20 ways blogs drive readers nuts without realizing it and actionable blogging tips to fix them easily. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog