Blank post syndrome
33 Ways to Get Help For Your Blog (Without Breaking the Bank)
When it comes to blogs as social media fodder and content marketing gold, bloggers get it. Convincing them of the importance of blogging isn’t the issue. Their biggest challenge is getting help in a variety of forms to continually publish fresh, engaging blog content.
Don’t worry — We’ve got you covered with blogging 411 info to help you efficiently leverage resources in seven of the areas where many bloggers typically need support. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
How to Get Your Blogging Mojo
At one point or another, many bloggers wonder how to get their blogging mojo, whether they’re new to blogging or have been turning out blog posts for years. To help you get your blogging groove, here’s some help. Before you can figure out how to get your blogging mojo, it’s critical to understand what your what’s keeping you back in the first place. Here are the three main issues. Here are twelve tips to help you find your blogging mojo. Realize that blogging is journey and requires time until all of the elements come together for you.
12 Blog Shortcuts Every Blogger Should Try
What blogger doesn’t need a few blog shortcuts to help shave some time off of their blogging? Remember when you were young and tried figuring out how to take the least amount of time to do something? May be it was cutting through a neighbor’s yard on the way to school or doing boring cores around the house. Here are twelve blog shortcuts that take into account that occasionally you may need to trick yourself into doing the work.
How to Find Social Media Content Inspiration
Have a case of Blank Post Syndrome? Don’t know where to find inspiration for creating meaty content that grabs readers by the collar and makes them want more? Try MBWA, which stands for management by walking around. Skip the sanitized corporate-speak and find out what’s happening inside and outside your company. Here’s 13 tips for creating great corporate social media content.