Becky McCray
Small Business Blogging: 17 Actionable Blog Tips
By their nature small businesses are small. This means you have limited employees or budget for extra stuff (Read: anything beyond the basics of running your day-to-day business). A blogs is necessary to small businesses (including solopreneurs and professionals) for the following seventeen reasons (Of course many of these points can be applied to larger businesses.) Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Niche Marketing Strategy Must Haves
Why should marketers care about niche markets, the sub-segments of a market defined by demographics and specific product attributes that satisfy certain needs at a particular price range for a given level of production quality?
Before you complain that you’re marketing to a broad, mass market, understand that transforming a mass market into a set of niche markets can simplify your marketing since each audience segment is easier to address. Here are eight steps to help you develop a niche marketing strategy.
30 Branding Definitions
Brands have a wide range of uses for businesses, products and individuals in today’s dynamic marketing landscape where publishing and message distribution are no longer limited to media entities. Through the use of social media platforms, every consumer is a publisher and has his own brand to promote. Each brand is competing for time and attention—today’s scarce resources—to break though the message clutter in order to build relationships with their target audience(s). By itself, a brand isn’t a marketing strategy. In their own words, here are thirty (30) branding definitions from marketers and visionary leaders (aka the original Mad Men) to help you understand what branding entails.
10 Social Media Lessons in Being Human
Social media is about human connections and building relationships. Social media’s technology empowers us to reach out to a wider circle of people. It’s up to us to decide how we use these relationships, whether its to push our latest product or support each other’s endeavors to do something bigger than we are. Here are 10 tips to help you.
Blog Comments: How To Get Them!
Blog comments are nirvana for bloggers. The challenge is that most bloggers receive very few of them if any. Here are 7 suggestions to help you get more comments on your blog and recommendations for blog comment policies.