Ashton Kutcher
What Ashton Kutcher Can Teach Marketers
Ashton Kutcher wants to be entertained or he’s gone. As marketers, this means you need to tell a story regardless of the medium, digital or live, because we’ve been trained to understand them since we were children. Here are five tips from Digitas’ The New Front 2011 to illustrate how celebrities enhance your marketing stories.
Tags: Ashton Kutcher, Digitas, Marketing, New Front 2011, Story, Storytelling
On Twitter, Influence Is More Than Just a Numbers Game
Interesting research from HP revealed that there were more important the the number of followers a person or entity had. This article outlines Twitter’s 3 strengths for marketers and 3 ways to improve your Twitter strategy. Please read on …
Tags: Ashton Kutcher, CNN, HP, Twitter