14 Social Media Blogs We Love (& Why You Should Too!)
It’s Valentine’s Day when we celebrate romance and who’s more romantic than a blogger? They share their enthusiasm, knowledge and emotions regularly without expectation of compensation. In the spirit of romance we celebrate fourteen of the social media blogs we love and the bloggers behind them in alphabetical order.
Free Research: 8 Resources Every Marketer Needs
Face it—Gut feel no longer cuts it for marketing decisions. While your organization may be great at doing on-going testing to determine what works best for your products and marketing, it helps to have solid data based on quality research as a benchmark. Here are eight of my favorite, free research resources I’d be lost without. (Translation: Useful data!)
5 Ways to Drive Business With Content Marketing [Examples]
Many businesses are reticent to give their content away for free. Their dilemma is that strong, useful information doesn’t just happen. Despite relatively low-cost social media and internal media distribution, the combination of deep knowledge and great content development require both human and financial resources.
Content Marketing Grows Up [Altimeter Research]
Content marketing is a pull strategy that draws customers in as marketers move from short advertising messages to longer narratives. In Altimeter’s latest research report by Rebecca Lieb, author of Content Marketing: Think Like a Publisher – How to Use Content to Market Online and in Social Media (affiliate link), content marketing is defined as “a term that refers to the creation and sharing of content for marketing purposes. On the path to becoming a publisher, content marketing organizations, even those determined to change, face the following four stumbling blocks according to Lieb. Here they are along with my actionable content marketing tips.