Social Media & Small Business: 16 Facts You Need
The fastest growing small businesses (SMBs) are known for being nimble players who leverage the most effective business and marketing tools to extend reach and increase sales cost-efficiently. As a result, they’ve been early social media adopters leading marketers to more effective use of new and evolving social media platforms.
To benefit from their experience, examine this new research from The University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, entitled 2012 Inc 500 Social Media Settles In. It shows how small businesses are using the power of social media to achieve their goals. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
105 Point Checklist to Get 2013 Marketing On Track
Want your 2013 marketing to succeed? Of course you do! (Who doesn’t?) Then follow this 2013 Marketing Guide, written in plain English and broken into 105 easy-to-follow steps.
To get your 2013 marketing on track regardless of whether you work for a B2C, B2B, not-for-profit or you’re a solopreneur, this 105 point checklist is a must-have business tool. It’s useful for specialized marketers including social media, content marketing and mobile.
Social Media, Search and Savings Required [Research]
In 2012, savings were the driving force behind sales, based on research from a variety of sources. Customers did their research before purchasing using a combination of search and social media. But before they closed the deal, shoppers always checked for better prices. Understanding how customers shop now can help you plan for a more effective 2013. Here are four important trends based on research [Charts included.] Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
Top 7 Marketing Trends of 2012 [Research / Charts]
In terms of marketing, 2012 was a year that showed that the more things change, the more they stay the same.The forces behind 2012’s top seven marketing trends were the same as those of 2011; the difference was that their impact increased. [Charts included] Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog
What Social Media Marketers Can Learn From The 2012 Presidential Campaign
The U.S. Presidential Campaign has given marketers and business executives several social media lessons that can be used in their businesses regardless of their political persuasion. Brands and businesses, like political candidates, have less control over the direction of the public conversation, both in real life and on social media platforms, than they would like to admit. Here are five social media lessons the election contest is teaching us and five Actionable Social Media Tactics to respond appropriately. From Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog.
7 Social Media Lessons From Olympians [Quotes]
Dating back to 776 BC, the Olympics have provided a forum for athletes to compete and show their strength and skill acquired over years of dedication and practice. This international competition has lessons for social media. Here are seven social media lessons from modern Olympians. Source: Heidi Cohen’s Actionable Marketing Blog.
Social Media Inspiration You Need Now!
Social media provides us with ability share everything, every minute of the day across a variety of devices. As a result, we’ve lost sight of our goals because we’re so inundated with information and communications. As social media continues to evolve, we collectively find new ways to use it to help enhance our lives and our world. Here are ten social media inspirations to help you better engage on these platforms.
How to Fail At Social Media By Not Really Trying
While social media continues to be at the top of marketers’ list, it doesn’t always yield the results they expect. Some of these outcomes cause problems marketers never saw coming. As a result, they don’t know what to do and take longer to respond than social media participants expect. Among the Suxorz’s worst-in-class social media executions are seven important marketing lessons.