2011 Marketing Book Recommendations By 12 Experts
Regardless of your format of choice, hardcover, paperback or ebook, 2011 produced a bookshelf full of great marketing titles as well as more general business books. Here are the recommendations of twelve marketing experts on their marketing book choices for 2011.
You Must Read This: 12 Experts Pick Their Favorite 2011 Blog Posts
What was the best of 2011’s blog posts? It’s a difficult question since, as Lisa Gerber points out, a lot depends on what’s happening at the time and what stands out on a particular subject. Further, take my word for it, writing strong, compelling content on a regular basis is hard work. Because bloggers craft posts on a regular basis, there are a lot of options from which to choose. To help me, I asked twelve experts for their input. Here are their choices and commentary.
2011: Year of Social Media Integration [Research included]
Following social media’s tipping point in 2010, 2011 is the year of social media integration. Social media is NOT just marketing anymore! The top three social media programs are brand monitoring, staffing and training. As a result, companies will be focused on social media ROI. [Research included.]
10 Things Your Boss Doesn’t Want to Know About Social Media Marketing
Is social media marketing on your 2011 action plan? Is your boss on board and understand what’s entailed? Before you answer this question, check these ten points that may uncover some surprises for your social media marketing strategies.
111 Ways to Jumpstart 2011
January a great time for you to jumpstart your year. Here’s a checklist of 111 questions to help you assess where your business is now and how to position for 2011. While this list may require more than one sitting to digest, it’s well worth the investment in terms of getting your business on track for 2011.
Happy New Year 2011
Happy New Year to my family, friends and social media connections.