12 Places to Use QR Codes for Marketing
QR Codes connect offline media, packaging, and almost any surface with useful information or links to online data. Accessible to anyone with a camera-equipped smartphone and free software, these two-dimensional barcodes are starting to pop up in the US, so don’t wait to start testing their ability to extend content delivery and connect with untargeted viewers in new ways.
Where can you use QR Codes? 12 Prime marketing locations
Since QR Codes can vary in size, it’s easy to incorporate them into other forms of marketing to expand the amount of information you’re conveying and connect with passers-by. QR Codes facilitate connecting with prospects in otherwise unconnected forums or mediums. Bear in mind that QR Codes are contextually relevant. You can target the information based on where you place the QR Code.
- Print media. Old-fashioned magazines, newspapers, and other forms of print media can now link to online information. Your two-dimensional printed page provides an entryway to an enhanced reader experience with targeted QR Coded information.
- Out-of-home advertising. A variety of out-of-home options can incorporate a QR Code. Among the options are traditional billboards, transportation signage including trains, buses and airplanes, transportation related waiting areas such as subway stations, airport terminals, bus stop kiosks and guerilla marketing campaigns – including posters and stickers on almost anything, anywhere. QR Codes convey lots of information in a tiny design.
- Buildings including store windows. As flat public surfaces, buildings are ideal for placing QR Codes. They can be in the form of posters on the building or contain building information. Also, don’t overlook the power of your store window as an extension of your advertising.
- In-store signage. Expand this to encompass any location such as a museum or conference. Be creative with your QR Codes. Retailers can use them to contact customer service when customers can’t find a clerk.
- Product packaging. Can be used to ensure that customers have related information that they need to use your product. Customers will scan QR Codes in stores to get information. Also, it’s useful for product information like medicine where the consumer may throw out the box or directions from the pharmacist.
- Flyers and handouts. Any type of printed information can be connected to related content including videos, maps, contact information and targeted sales messages. Even better, you can change the information behind the QR Code without needing to reprint your handouts. Think events and conferences.
- Direct mail and catalogs. With increased postage and printing costs, get your traditional direct marketing to distribute additional targeted product information or even to provide scan-to-call badges to your sales and service centers.
- Business cards. Need to show that your business is 21st century? Enhance your contact details with a QR Code linked to your website or other information.
- Shopping bags. Incorporate a QR Code into your shopping bag design and get customers connected for an emailing or special offer. Since you can modify the information on the related URL, update the offer based on your current promotional calendar.
- Powerpoint presentations. Add your QR code to your powerpoint just as you would the rest of your contact information. Consider including the link to your presentation to encourage viewers to snap a shot.
- Clothes and accessories. QR Codes can be used broadly on any type of fabric design or jewelry. Why not include a QR Code on your give-away T-shirts? Also other conference give-aways.
- Tattoos. Use temporary QR Code tattoos for your next event. It’s a fun talking point and kids love the safe, washable versions.
While some of these options may sound unusual, the goal is to give you an understanding of how broadly QR Codes can be used. They supply additional information and connect you to an audience you may not realize is interested in your offering.
Are there any other locations where you can use QR Codes? If so, what are they and how would you use them?
Happy Marketing,
Heidi Cohen
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Photo credits:
- QR Code Cupcakes by Clever Cup Cakes via Flickr
- QR Code Newspaper by Sonia from Marseille via Flickr
- QR Code Pepsi by osde8info via Flickr
- QR Code Man by The Daring Librarian via flickr
- QR Code Jewelry by The Daring Librarian via Flickr
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