Leaving comments on other people’s blogs is one of the unwritten rules of blogging. The notion of do unto others as you would have them do unto you should be obvious to bloggers who constantly seek to get more blogs comments, but, alsa, it’s not. Nor is the social media mantra of “Pay it forward,” at least where commenting on other blogs are concerned. To help you establish this habit of leaving comments on blogs, take the Goldilocks approach.
3 Ways to comment on blogs
The biggest piece of advice that well-known bloggers give newbie bloggers, especially those looking to attract comments and build a following, is to read other people’s blogs and comment on them. Commenting on other blogs means adding to the conversation in a way that contributes to the community. Here are three suggestions to help you frame your blog comments.
- Provide meaty content. Don’t just say “Nice post.” Agree or disagree with blogger and state why. The benefit of this type of comments is that it can inspire you to write a post on your own blog. (Of course, if you extend the conversation on your blog, it’s good form to link back to the originator of the conversation.)
- Offer new insights or research to expand the conversation. Every one loves data so this is a great way to get noticed. For example, Arnie Kuenn did this on my recent column on Content Marketing Institute.
- Give an example to support the point made in the article. Show and tell is always useful to readers. Or, use a story from your own experience that personalizes the author’s point.
The one way not to comment on blogs
You shouldn’t use blog comments to promote your blog or business by leaving links back to your website. It’s bad form. While some commenting software will generate links back to your blog, understand that, as social media platforms, blogs aren’t a forum to toot your own horn or push your marketing messages. Further, many bloggers use “NoFollow” for links left in comments or may not post them if they contain offensive or derogatory content. If you have news the blogger might be interested in, contact him via another communication channel.
The Goldilocks approach to leaving comments on blogs
For bloggers, the question often is: “How many blogs should I comment on?” Take the Goldilocks approach to commenting on blogs. Visit three blogs a day and comment on them. There’s no statistical basis for the choice of three blogs. This assumes you read the current post, think about your response and write it. Since not every blog you check will have a post that inspires you, you may need to read a few extra posts. With the Goldilocks rule of three blog comments, you can accomplish this blog-related chore in 15 -30 minutes depending on how quickly you read and write. When choosing where to comment, follow Goldilock’s approach.
- Daddy blog. Like the Daddy Bear chair, select a second tier blog in your category because it’s well-established but not so large that your comment will get lost.
- Mommy blog. This blog is also bigger than yours but focuses on your niche. Therefore it’s useful for being seen on a regular basis.
- Kiddie blog. This blog is just the right size. It’s help to pick a blog that’s a similar size to your own blog. This blog may be below the established media’s radar but offers great insights and/or conversation. When you leave a comment here, there’s a good bet that the blogger and will respond and check your blog out.
Like other forms of social media, it’s important to give this strategy time to have an impact. It’s also important to be consistent. This doesn’t mean that you must visit the same three blogs everyday but rather return to these blogs on a regular basis to become a recognized member of their community as you expand your network. For example, with three comments a day, you can visit thirty blogs over a two week period.
Are there any other tips that you have for bloggers to regarding leaving comments on blogs? If so, please leave them in the comment section.
Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen
Note: Inspiration for this topic came form the 125 Free Blog Topics. Need help writing, hop over for some motivation!
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- What Desperate Housewives can teach you about blog comments.
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- Social media content by platform
Photo credit: Wickenden via Flickr
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