12 Spring Marketing Promotions With Related Content Titles
Looking for inspiration for blog post titles and content marketing? Spring and April in particular provide a dozen opportunities around which to create fun and engaging content that pulls readers in.
Use these twelve special occasions to plan your editorial calendar for blog posts and other related content. When laying out your strategy, don’t limit your planning to content. Consider how you can leverage your internal media and social media platforms to distribute it efficiently.
Here are thirty spring blog post titles you can use to inspire your writing. While they’re focused on spring, many of them can be used at other times of the year. (Need more choices to get your creative juices flowing? Here’re 125 Blog Titles.)
- Spring (March 21st ).This seasonal change is universally understood. Since it occurs every year, create evergreen content that can be used year after year. Literally anything that’s changes in the spring is fair game from home repairs to pet care.
- Spring Cleaning—Your Master BLANK Checklist. This title can be used by any business. While it’s great for home and gardening categories, it can be applied to anything that’s used all year round and requires changes for the seasons.
- Spring training—Get your BLANK in shape. While this title is most obvious for weight loss and sports, it can be applied more broadly.
- 21 ways to clean out BLANK. Another spin on the cleaning theme. Think about different approaches to the same topic.
- National Gardening Month (April). Focused on planting, gardening is a major US hobby in the US and has an entire month to be in the spotlight. As a marketer, use gardening literally in terms of the seasons and replanting your garden or use it as a metaphor for another type of product. As Voltaire said in Candide, “Let us cultivate our garden.”
- Plan Your BLANK Garden To Yield XXX. Tailor this title to your business. What are you trying to get your customers to achieve?
- Plant The Seeds Of XXX For YYY. Again, another title you can use to target your prospects with the information they’re looking for.
- April Fool’s Day (April 1st).A day known for pranks, so let your imagination go wild. What can you do that’s fun and engages your audience?
- How To Show You’re Nobody’s Fool On BLANK. This spin shows that you’re serious about what you’re doing.
- BLANK—What Is True & What Is Not. Since everyone plays jokes on April Fools, help readers discern the truth from the non-truth.
- Baseball Opening Day (April 4th). Take me out to the ballgame! This year the Cardinals and Miami Marlins start the season at Florida’s new ballpark.
- How To BLANK To Get To First Base. Show your readers how to get on base. This is about cutting through the BS and getting things done.
- How To Hit BLANK Out Of The Park. This title is a baseball reference about being stellar in your category.
- BLANK: How To Hit A Home Run Every Time. What’s your secret to being top every time? It’s like being a blogger that gathers tons of comments or tweets with every post.
- Martin Luther King Jr. (April 6th). The man may have been shot on this day in 1968 but his dream lives on. While many may not remember how sad this loss was, it’s another point where we can remember the teachings of this great man.
- BLANK Inspired By Martin Luther King Jr. Use his words to inspire your readers.
- Passover/Easter (April 6th /April 7th). This duo of seasonal holidays provide a great theme for any promotion or blog post title.
- 7 Passover Recipes From Grandma. Who wouldn’t want grandma’s recipes for anything in today’s world of on-the-go food?
- Easter Parade. Known as a holiday for getting out and strutting your stuff. Take advantage and do a photo roundup of hats and other spring fashions.
- Where Are The BLANK Easter Eggs? Use this title to create an interactive post that draws readers in and gets them engaged on your topic.
- Golf Day (April 6th)While started in St. Andrews, Scotland, it’s a major US sport that provides lots of great references for blog post titles. Further, since many business people play, it’s good for B2B offerings.
- How to Ensure Your BLANK Is Up To Par. Does your product or advice make the grade?
- 18 Rounds Of XXX. There are eighteen holes of golf. What eighteen points can you make about your product.
- How To Shave Strokes Off Your BLANK Project. Let your readers know how to improve their work.
- How To Tell When Your BLANK Needs A Mulligan. It’s useful to give readers pointers on when they need a do over.
- Boston Marathon (April 13). This is one of the major US marathons. For your blog post titles think in terms of getting in shape and running to win. This is another title that works well for B2B.
- Is Your BLANK On Track? This is a great title for showing readers important pointers.
- How prepare for BLANK like it’s a marathon. Use this title to approach a topic where readers need to think in long-term goals where there may be delayed satisfaction.
- How To Pace Yourself To Do BLANK For The Long Run. Again thinking longer term. It can be good for health or finance related topics where planning is required.
- How To Make Your BLANK Go The Distance. Use this title for extending the life of your products.
- Tax Day (April 15th). A dark day for most, especially accountants. Use this as a hook to get readers thinking about getting their finances and related paperwork in order. Of course, you can always write on how to spend your refund!
- How To Get Your Finances In Order. Who couldn’t use additional suggestions on this topic? Also, think about, Take the Pain Away From Doing Taxes.
- 15 Ways To Make BLANK Less Taxing? Apply the idea of taxing, in the meaning of hard work, to another subject.
- How To Pay For BLANK. (Hat tip to Marcus Sheridan who preaches telling customers about your price.) Want customers to buy an expensive product? Show them how they can afford it.
- Patriot’s Day (April 16)This New England holiday commemorates the midnight ride of Paul Revere. Use it as the basis for a Boston based column or historically based one on the Revolutionary War.
- Great Vacations—One If By Land, Two If By Sea. Here’s one way to give the poem a new spin.
- Earth Day (April 22nd). Think about ecology and the world we live in. Alternatively use recycling and being green.
- 12 Ways To Make Your BLANK More Eco-friendly. Apply this title to making anything more eco-friendly.
- 10 Ways To Recycle BLANK. This is great for various crafts where up-cycling products from one form to another is important.
- 7 Ways To Make Your BLANK Greener. The goal is to show your prospects and customers how to use products related to your offering to be more ecological.
- Take Your Children To Work Day (April 26th). The goal is to show children what their parents do. Use this day as an opportunity to engage your readers about the work in your field.
- 12 Things You Wish Your Parents Told You About Work. What insights can you share about work or your profession to help others.
Whether you pick one holiday or event or all of them, there’s an array of blog post titles that you can apply to your blog articles and related marketing. When using these titles for your blog, make sure that you include specific keywords to support search optimization.
What other titles would you add to this list and why?
Happy marketing,
Heidi Cohen
Note: I will be at SES (aka Search Engine Strategies) in New York City next Tuesday, March 20, 2012. I’m holding one-on-one content marketing sessions in the exhibit hall as well as moderating the Meet the Experts: Roundtable Forum on Content Marketing. Please stop by with your questions or to just say hi!
Get a 15% discount on the admission price to SES – New York
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Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dareppi/5677784490/
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