Wishing you, our US based readers, a very Happy Thanksgiving.
As you gather around the table, take the time to consider the family, friends and others near to you.
Personally, I’m thankful for my husband, parents, sister, nephews and in-law siblings. I also cherish my friends, colleagues and social media connections. Beyond this circle of connections is my brother whose presence we feel and celebrate in his absence. You each make my life richer in your own special way.
Regardless of whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not, take some time to think about what you can do for those in your inner circles as well as your customers.
We also remember President John F. Kennedy who died 49 years ago today.
This year I include special prayers for my mother and my friend Karen. Both of whom have had long medical challenges and are recovering slowly, one step at a time.
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving,
Heidi Cohen
For social media fun, you’ll enjoy: 12 Thanksgiving Turkeys You’ll Find on Social Media
Photo credit:http://www.flickr.com/photos/kristinausk/4118594524/
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